Seitz: M. indistincta Btlr. (= splendida Btlr., cyllarus Druce) (17 c) differs from the species with white tarsi of the lades-group by the posterior tibiae being set with hair only on one side (above); the forewings, being suffused with bluish-green, have a black basal part; only the extreme base shows two fine, metallic blue dots. The fringes are coloured white at the proximal angle of all the wings. The abdomen is suffused with green, not striped. Widely distributed from Panama to Brazil. — hampsoni Schrottky (= indistincta ab. 1. Hmps.) has quite black fringes, and the golden green colour of the forewings is more extensive, particularly at the proximal margin. Paraguay. Cat. Lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. Vol. 1 7l2. Macrocneme indistincta. Macroeneme indistincta, Butl, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool. xii. p. 71 (1876); Kirby, Cat. Het. p. 120. Macrocneme sp" ndida. Butl. Journ. Linn, Soc., Zool. xii p. 371 (1876) ; Kirby, Cat. Het. p 129. Maecrocneme cyllarua, Druce, A. M. N. + (6) XViil. Pp: 29 (1896) ; Biol. Centr.-Am., Het. ti. p 334), pl. 71. {.. 2. Male. Palpi in front white; patagia with white streaks, fore cox with white patches ; ventral valve edged with white; cilia white towards tornus of each wing. Female Black; antenne white at tips; frons, back of head, tegule, shoulders, and vertex of thorax with blue and white spots; vertex of head, pectus, and legs with patches of metallic green; base of femora with white spots behind: hind tarsi with the fringe on terminal segments white ; abdomen suffused with golden green; a sublateral series of white spots on last five segments. Fore wing with white point and metallic blue-green marks at base; green streaks in, above, below, and beyond cell and on vein 1. Ab. 1. Rio Grande do Sul. 1d with the green suffusion on fore wing more extensive, especially on inner area ; cilia not white. Hab. Paxama, Chiriqui (Champion), type + eyllarus in Coll. Staudinger; Cotompra, Santa Marta (Bouchard), 2 3 , type splendida; Amazons, Para (Bates), 1 female type. Exp. 40 millim. This may be a brightly marked form of vittata. Schaus, 1901; Jl N.Y. ent Soc. 9: 41 Macrocneme sura. Falpi and legs black, suffused with metallic blue scales. Hind tarsi tipped with white. Head black ; frons with two large white spots, and two smaller under an- tennae. Collar black with two small blue and white spots. Thorax black ; patagise with a small blue and white spot anteriorly. Abdomen metallic green above, black underneath ; the ventral valve green and followed by two ventral rows of white spots. Primaries : a basal band, and the outer margin broadly black, otherwise shot with dull metallic blue green. Secondaries black. Underneath wings black, shot with dull green to beyond cell. Expanse, 35 mm. Butler, 1876; J. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. 12 (60-62): 371 5. M. ESMERALDA, n. sp. Body blaekish-brown, frons metallic blue, white on each side ; crest and hind margins of eyes blue-spotted, three metallic green spots on the thorax, abdomen with a dorsal streak and a lateral macular line of metallic green, also a lateral ventral streak of white, basal segment below green : primaries above metallic green, base, inner margin, and outer margin dark brown, a black streak in the cell ; secondaries blue-black : wings below dark brown, primaries with discoidal area metallic green ; secondaries with costal area to second third of wing metallic green : expanse of wings 31 millims. Ega ( B ates) . Typ 3, B . M . 6. M. INDISTINCTA, n. Sp. Allied to the preceding species, but with distinct Avhite spots on the shoulders , abdomen bronzy greenish, the metallic green streaks ill- defined ; lateral stripes of white spots below well defined, three basal segments below metallic green ; primaries with the brown border of outer margin broader : expanse of wings 37 millims. Para {Bates). Type, B.M.